Thursday, March 18, 2010


Alright - a short bit about German beer (I'm sure there will be more to come):

Beer is cheaper than water!

True story - I should end my post here...but it gets better...go to any restaurant, bar, grocery is cheaper than water

Most beer is sold as 20oz (or ,51 liters) and you can get a case of 20 beers for 10 euro...on and on

The German purity law is one of the oldest laws in the world and seems to have done wonders for the beer in Germany today...more info here:

In the short time that we have been here we have found that not only is the beer so cheap, but we have yet to get a hangover (and trust me, Nate and I have tried)...perhaps this is thanks to the German purity law and the tradition that is still used today.

Cheers to good cheap beer you can drink all night long!

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