Thursday, March 3, 2011

11: Romanian moonshine

Song "Realitate" by Spike

Guests Ionel and Doug

"The fat bitch in the middle looks like my Gramma"

Nate's gonna homogenize Europe one beer at a time

Seattle mayor accidentally leaves his wife's bike at his girlfriend's house, concocts story of theft

Grizzly Man or Q: What does a 850lb grizzly bear eat for dinner? A: Whatever it wants

Windshield washer moonshine

Trouble with the man downstairs

"Girl Scout cookies?" "Thin mints?" "Of course"

"I will beat you with a road sign"

Ionel's French Foreign Legion story

Two dirty vampire jokes

14 year old Doug goes to a strip club with his dad, won't tell the story

22 year old Doug tells a child to finger bang herself, can't tell the story fast enough

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