Wednesday, February 23, 2011

10: Greece Me Up, Woman

We'll get to that, but first, we don't know what's happening

Tiff puts her feet up, is yelled at, but doesn't understand and yells gibberish back

How to read Greek (not really)

The "woman" on the train is catchin' flies

The educated Gypsy

Clean your beaches, Bitches

Where do I get a chainsaw up in this mahfukka?

Tiff won't walk until Nate gives her drugs

Can you make money on the Olympics?

Dude, your breath smells like hot garbage

Dinner, a mugging and a good, old fashioned ass beatin'

Chris and the Soulutions? Buffalo Souldiers? Soulutionaries...definitely Soulutionaries

There are 7 condom machines on this ferry. Seven that WE KNOW ABOUT!!

Tiff eats the cat/the waitress is a whore, for real

Island exploration; washouts, old glowsticks and used condoms, Paradise and Super Paradise

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