Monday, December 14, 2009

38 DOLLARS?!?!!?

So I'm watching Tiff's dogs while she's in SF for work...yeah, I like this a whole lot. Nothing like the weight of the only 3 things she loves on the fucking planet being put in my very reliable care. She might as well have challenged me to keep them all alive for 72 hours. If this DOESN'T end in disaster I'll be Horace Pinker. (that's a Wes Craven reference for the new kids)

In other news guess how much it costs to mail two - one lb packages and 9 X-mas cards?

$38 dollars!!! that's $2 less than $40!!! For 2 boxes and 9 pieces of paper!!!
If you get something from me it's cause I like you a LOT. Act accordingly.

In other news today I found a receipt for a Monchichi purchased in April of 2006. It cost me $24 dollars and I bought it from Billy Galaxy. I recall none of this. I assume it was either for Val, EC or Cheech but I could be wrong...

EC and I go shopping this Friday.
Andy goes to the vet on Sunday.

Everything else continues as planned.

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