Saturday, December 26, 2009
Day After XMas
Day after Christmas, finished some Germany paperwork, drove to LA, lunch with my stooges and old friends, lots of Mexican food, saw an old house I grew up in, taught my 5 yr old nephew to squirt whipped cream into his mouth, Inglorious Basterds, and missing my sick boo
Monday, December 21, 2009
Classy Christmas

So last night was the third annual Classy Christmas...and here's a few of the high lights:
Ray Ray cut up marshmallows with scissors (bitching the whole time that Rite-Aid should stock mini ones) to make some amazing butterscotch haystacks.
Girl Jamie showed up in style in her 80's power suit and kept it classy by peeing between the trash cans outside...even though no one was in the bathroom inside.

Jay won the gift exchange by giving away his huge classy cock.
JK showed Cheech who was boss, she said the way no way in hell he'd smash a figurine in the middle of the living room. She was wrong. I'm surprised he's in one piece after jumping into the inflatable sleigh.

Markus played Santa this year and looked fantastic.

James and Pants gave us a great dance performance and tied with Brendan for the coveted "Best Dressed".

Egg nog and peppermint schnapps are amazing together. It's got a name but I can't tell you what it is. We named cocoa and peppermint schnapps too. It's weird.

Greg passed out in Britt's room until we hog-piled him.

The neighbors called the cops. Dylan and Sook are straight bitches. Who calls 5-0 on a Cristmas party? Shit's wack.

Every one agreed that Tiff-Bot looked "fab-u-lish-iss" and Nate looked "Creepy as Hell"


Thanks everyone who came out. Really.
Monday, December 14, 2009
38 DOLLARS?!?!!?
So I'm watching Tiff's dogs while she's in SF for work...yeah, I like this a whole lot. Nothing like the weight of the only 3 things she loves on the fucking planet being put in my very reliable care. She might as well have challenged me to keep them all alive for 72 hours. If this DOESN'T end in disaster I'll be Horace Pinker. (that's a Wes Craven reference for the new kids)
In other news guess how much it costs to mail two - one lb packages and 9 X-mas cards?
$38 dollars!!! that's $2 less than $40!!! For 2 boxes and 9 pieces of paper!!!
If you get something from me it's cause I like you a LOT. Act accordingly.
In other news today I found a receipt for a Monchichi purchased in April of 2006. It cost me $24 dollars and I bought it from Billy Galaxy. I recall none of this. I assume it was either for Val, EC or Cheech but I could be wrong...
EC and I go shopping this Friday.
Andy goes to the vet on Sunday.
Everything else continues as planned.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
O Brother
Went to IKEA...Nate had his first IKEA meatball lunch (mmmm...hope they have those in Germany)...tried to get some pieces that matched both of our existing furniture - it ends up that even thought our style is similar nothing really matches...well...except the GIANT middle finger Dwarves poster...that may have to be our living room center piece.
Now we are off to dinner with some of my favorites lesbians.
Oh yeah...made the facebook announcement today.
Now we are off to dinner with some of my favorites lesbians.
Oh yeah...made the facebook announcement today.
Day 224 Without Water
Sunday: we need MORE passport pics for some reason (Tiff says it's for work visas, I say it's cause she's pretty and the visa guy is putting her face on porn) so we're gonna hit WalGreens before Ikea...I'm also gonna get a new Blackberry'll be worthless in Germany but I've been paying the insurance so fuck 'em.
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