Monday, February 13, 2012

51: Superman

Nate: "That wasn't instrumental, I heard lyrics"
Tiff: "Well, that was the award they got"


  1. Bon Iver (pronounced bone uh-vair) is a band, Justin Vernon is the man behind the band, and he grew up and went to high school in Eau Claire. I don't know if you guys would like his music or not, I dig it, but the fact is that he is BLOWING UP, and putting EC on the map. Check out the song "Skinny Love". He's a stand up dude, and I think he deserves all the credit he's been getting. I just wanted to let you know, it sounds like you guys haven't heard of him. As always, GREAT SHOW! _Troy

  2. Thanks Troy, I will check that out. I hate being ignorant to that stuff...Was he in Sled Napkin?
