Monday, June 20, 2011

21: Manchester's Finest

Surprise, you're not dead!! Millionare charlatan was wrong about God's will.

Skally Brit Tom Pike is with us...great!!

Your jeans should not be clean. Nate does shit in his pants. Pike might suck a dick.

What should I do with all these lightbulbs?

Nate throws away designer garbage

You look like the dead chick from Lethal Weapon 2...I wanna bang you.

Mormon idiot gives back $45,000

A hickie from Kiniki is like something

Fox finally admits Palin is a retard

Mel Gibson gets booze at Canne Film Festival HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!

Wanna buy a rock? It's 1.7 million million dollars...but it's from space

First naked coffee shop casinos, tomorrow the world. Thanks a lot, Puritans.

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