Wednesday, April 13, 2011

15: Happy Birthday to NATE!!

Birthday Breakdown: Nate doesn't know how to share his booze.

Hey Tiff, no one is trying to kill you...but maybe I'm wrong

The trip to Ravensburg. Ma'am can you please GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY WAY!?!?!?"

Tiff goes to a drum circle, Nate naps happily at home

Stormin' the castle/late for our own party

Roadhouse drinking game (knife, Double Duece, Wade runs his fingers through his hair)

Nate gets a Crown SZ 5100 boombox, poops his pants

Hundreds of safes wash up on shore after the tsunami. Do safes float?

Kentucky miner finds 300 million year old fossil. "No you didn't" says his Pastor.

Fuckin' monkeys, dude.

Jeff Buckley is boring, dead, not famous and his best song is a cover. Movie coming Summer 2012

Charles Nelson Reilly is gay.

I'm not sure about John C. Reilly

Click below, for the show

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