Tuesday, July 26, 2011

30: I'm Here for Pancakes

What do Russians do for fun? Snowball fights?

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

29: Walkin' in the Rain

"The toaster people and the bread people need to talk."

Music "Tapistries, Candles, Zima" by Only Thunder

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

28: You Did WHAT to a Cow?

Nate's depressed, but that's not new

Tiff and Nate love the boat, but they're still not getting one.

Tiff's sister's baby shower. Tiff cries, Nate's not impressed.

How does FDR know my name?

Nate sold worms and cut the junk off animals.

Nate will kill anything that he's gonna eat.

Tiff hates ALL animals.

Nate's Sarah Palin impression.

Music by Rafeal Vigilantics

Sunday, July 3, 2011

27: Fake Eggs

The guy next to Casper smells like booze...then booze and vomit.

A spider the size of a man....'s hand.

Nate finally gets a urinal.

Klitschko vs Haye: Boring.


I teach golf at a gay resort.

Nice Relox dude.

Does this look like dead mouse to you?

Excuse me officer, did you fart? No? Must've been me then.

Woman kisses asshole, asshole presses charges.

Avoid Portland, Oregon at all costs.